We believe God has called and equipped us to serve Christ-followers from various faith traditions worldwide, females and males, through our online teaching ministry, educational resources, speaking engagements, and mentoring.
Borrowing from Augustine, we assert: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, love.”
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God (2 Tim 3:16).
Through the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, it was written by human authors (2 Pet 1:20–21). In its original form, the Bible is without error, and is the source for Christian beliefs and living (Prov 30:5; John 16:13–15).
We believe that God, the creator of heaven and earth, eternally exists as three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Gen 1:1; Matt 28:18; John 1:1–14; Heb 1:2–3; 1 John 5:6–7).
The Father eternally loves his Son and this love eternally flows over His creation (John 3:35; 1 John 4:16–17). He sent his Son, Jesus Christ, so that all may know and have fellowship with Him (John 3:16).
Jesus is the eternal Son of God, is fully divine and fully man (John 1:1–3, 14; Phil 2:5–8; Heb 1:2–13). He is co-equal with the Father. Born of a virgin, he lived a perfect, sinless human life. He offered Himself as the perfect s sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on the cross. He arose from the dead after three days, ascended into heaven, and will return again someday to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The Holy Spirit is fully equal with the Father and Son (Matt 28:19; Acts 5:3–4). He is eternal and dwells in every believer at the moment of salvation, providing a seal with a redemption guarantee (Eph 1:13–14). He is the Counselor, Advocate, Teacher, and Spirit of Truth (John 14:16–17, 26; 15:26; 16:7) and teaches spiritual things to believers (2 Sam 23:2; 1 Cor 2:11-13).
We believe God created male and female in His image and likeness (Gen 1:27).
God created both the male and female in his image and likeness and to function as his royal representatives in the world. Created innocent, the first two humans acted in disobedience to God, which resulted in alienation from God, and both physical and spiritual death (Gen 2:17; 3:19).
We believe humankind needs a Savior (Gen 2:17; 3:19).
Humankind is absolutely unable to provide payment for his sin or to reconcile himself to God (Ps 14:1-3; Jer 17:9; Rom 3:10-17; 8:6-8). Humans can do nothing to merit God’s favor and need salvation (Is 59:1–2; Rom 6:23). Graciously, God provides forgiveness and gives the gift of salvation to each person who believes with faith in His Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16; Rom 6:23; Eph 2:8).
Through the person and work of Christ, believers are forgiven, justified, made righteous and reconciled to God (Acts 13:38-39; Rom 1:16-17; 8:1-2, 30; Eph 1:7). Assurance of salvation by grace, through faith in Christ, is provided to all believers through God’s Word (John 5:24; 2 Cor 5:1, 4-5; Heb 10:22-23).
We believe the Church is the body and bride of Christ (Eph 1:23; 5:23–25; 1 Cor 12:12; 2 Cor 11:2).
The Church began on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1)—believers baptized with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:41; 1 Cor 12:13), and reconciled to God through a saving relationship with Jesus, Savior and Son of God (Rom 12:5; Eph 2:8– 9). The universal Church is made up of all believers of this age (Eph 4:4; 5:23). A local body of believers constitutes a local church (Rom 16:1; Gal 1:2). The Church is to function as a family—sons and daughters (2 Cor 6:18), without division (1 Cor 12:25), with mutual love (1 Pet 1:22), and in unity of the Spirit through a bond of peace (Eph 4:3). Local assemblies of believers are to regularly meet together for worship, prayer, study of God’s Word, fellowship, mutual care, observances of the ordinances, equipping to serve the body, employing spiritual gifts to build up the body, and to make Christ known in the world. (Matt 28:19–20; Acts 2:42–47; I Cor 12–14; Gal 6:2; Eph 4:11–13; Heb 10:24–25).
We believe God gives a diversity of spiritual gifts to His people (1 Cor 12).
Spiritual gifts are manifested through the Holy Spirit and given without gender distinction (Rom 12:3–8; 1 Cor 12). Each believer is given her gift(s) to prepare her to serve and build up the church to unity in faith and knowledge. In the apostolic church, God appointed certain gifted men and women as apostles, prophets, deacons, evangelists, and teachers. We believe certain men and women today are called by God to be evangelists, pastors, leaders, and teachers, for the work of ministry service. God has ordained certain offices, overseer, elders, and deacons, for the purpose of maintaining order in the local church, and to shepherd and teach the essential truths of the faith.