
Theology of Women


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Did God Choose Only “Exceptional” Women as Leaders of Men?

Did God Choose Only “Exceptional” Women as Leaders of Men?

Did God choose only a few “exceptional” women as leaders over men? In the evangelical church, some complementarians believe that the accounts of women leaders in the Bible were a “special case” to the “general rule.” That God only chose a few “exceptional” women but predominately favored male leaders. Those who hold this view prescribe male leadership as a “general rule.” They believe the Bible teaches a hierarchical leadership system both in the church and in the home. The Collins Dictionary defines “hierarchical” as a “system or organization in which people have different ranks or positions.” Under this system, men’s rank is leadership, and the position of women is support to male leadership. Let’s look at the three arguments supporting the premise, “God chose women leaders because they were “exceptional.”